Scientific Writing workshop at SOBRIce 2024


CVIR is teaming up with SOBRICE and SIDI to host a workshop on scientific writing at the SOBRICE 2024 congress in São Paulo, Brazil. The workshop is suitable both for researchers early in their careers who want to acquire practical skills as well as experienced researchers wishing to refine their writing.

Workshop Topics

The workshop will address key issues, including:

•   Improving manuscript structure

•   International reporting guidelines

•   How to respond to reviewers

Time and date

Friday, October 18, 2024, 09:45-12:00


SOBRICE 2024 Congress, São Paulo, Brazil

Centro de Convenções Rebouças, Room Egaz Moniz


Free of charge and open to all registered for the SOBRICE 2024 congress.



Prof. Klaus Hausegger

CVIR Editor-in-Chief


Joaquim Mauricio

da Motta Leal Filho

CVIR Regional Editor

(Sao Paolo/BR)


Ethel Rivas Zuleta

SIDI President

(El Salvador/SV)



Scientific Writing workshop at APSCVIR 2024

CVIR Editors Gerard Goh, John Kaufman, and Bien Soo Tan hosted a workshop at the APSCVIR annual congress in Bangkok, Thailand on May 4, 2024.


Participants in this session gained useful tips on scientific writing from an esteemed panel of speakers with decades of experience. Topics covered include writing structure, responding to reviewers, and a practical walkthrough of an example paper to highlight common mistakes and how to avoid them. 



Prof. Gerard Goh

CVIR Regional Editor


Prof. Klaus Hausegger

CVIR Editor-in-Chief


Prof. John Kaufman

CVIR Regional Editor

Portland, OR/US

Prof. Bien Soo Tan

CVIR Regional Editor


Workshop programme

Content Speaker(s) Time
Introduction Bien Soo Tan 14:00-14:02
CVIR presentation Klaus Hausegger 14:02-14:12
IMRAD structure Gerard Goh 14:12-14:20
How to respond to reviewers Bien Soo Tan 14:20-14:28
Dummy paper review Bien Soo Tan, Gerard Goh, John Kaufman, Stefan Müller-Hülsbeck 14:28-15:28
Closing remarks Gerard Goh 15:28-15:30

Scientific Writing WORKSHOP at PAIRS 2024

Workshop overview

CVIR is once again teaming up with AJIR, the official journal of the Pan Arab Interventional Radiology Society, to host a workshop on scientific writing at PAIRS 2024 in Dubai, UAE. The workshop is suitable both for researchers early in their careers who would like to acquire practical skills as well as experienced researchers wishing to refine their writing.

Workshop Topics

The workshop will address key issues, including:

•   Improving manuscript structure

•   International reporting guidelines

•   Defining a research question

•   The peer-review process

•   Promotion of articles


Don’t miss out on this opportunity!



Saturday, Feb 10, 2024 11:00-12:30, Workshop Room 5

Monday, Feb 12, 2024 11:00-12:30, Workshop Room 3

You can attend the 1st, 2nd or both of these sessions



PAIRS 2024 Congress

Dubai World Trade Centre, UAE



Free of charge and open to all registered for the PAIRS 2024 congress.



Klaus Hausegger

CVIR Editor-in-Chief


Tiago Bilhim

CVIR Section Editor for Embolisation


Mohammad Arabi

AJIR Editor-in-Chief


Refaat Salman

CVIR Regional Editor


Raman Uberoi

CVIR Deputy Editor-in-Chief




Please register by sending an e-mail to, indicating which day you will be attending or if you will participate both days. 

CVIR scientific writing symposium - Seoul 2023

Workshop overview

Thank you to those who joined the CVIR scientific writing symposium at the 17th Annual Scientific Meeting of Asia Pacific Society of Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiology – APSCVIR 2023!

The session was opened to those who are currently working on a paper or are simply interested in the topic of scientific writing and was part of the APSCVIR 2023 scientific programme.


Tiago Bilhim

CVIR Section Editor for Embolisation


Klaus Hausegger

CVIR Editor-in-Chief


Chang Jin Yoon

CVIR Regional Editor


Thursday, April 13, 2023

















Welcome by the speakers


How to improve your paper?

+ Q&A/discussion


International reporting guidelines, and structuring your manuscript

+ Q&A/discussion


How to define a valid research question and topic?

+ Q&A/discussion


Video: presenting CVIR Endovascular


Q&A and closing remarks


Klaus Hausegger


Chang Jin Yoon



Tiago Bilhim




Klaus Hausegger



 Jim Reekers


Klaus Hausegger


Scientific Writing WORKSHOP -   DUBAI 2023

Workshop overview

We're back with another scientific writing workshop, this time co-hosted by CVIR, CVIR Endovascular and the Arab Journal for Interventional Radiology (AJIR), on February 10-11, 2023, ahead of PAIRS 2023 in Dubai, UAE.

Workshop Topics

Topics covered include:

writing effective scientific English

following international reporting guidelines

getting tips from CVIR editors on how to respond to reviewers

advancing knowledge on publication ethics and authorship

structuring your manuscript

maximising the visibility of your paper



7 CME credits have been awarded for attending both days of the workshop.


Don't miss out on this chance to gain insights from top editors from around the globe!


While younger IRs and residents would benefit greatly from the content of this workshop, the topics addressed would be useful for interventionists of all backgrounds who are looking to improve their writing skills.


Registration and Costs

Registration is now closed.


Scientific Programme

Day 1: Friday, February 10, 2023








Welcome and Introduction


Clinical study publications and the CONSORT Statement

International reporting guidelines

Coffee break

Publications – who does what?

Structuring your manuscript

Mohammad Arabi, Klaus Hausegger, and Jim Reekers

John Carpenter

John Carpenter


Klaus Hausegger

John Carpenter

Day 2: Saturday, February 11, 2023









How not to get your manuscript rejected

How to respond to reviewers

How to maximize the visibility of your manuscript

Coffee Break

Writing effective scientific English

Managing your bibliography

Abstract writing

Final Q&A and Discussion

John Carpenter

Refaat Salman

Tiago Bilhim


Mohammad Arabi

John Carpenter

John Carpenter

All speakers

Scientific Writing Workshop Final Programme
Scientific Writing Workshop Dubai 2023 P
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CVIR Editor-in-Chief Klaus Hausegger, Klagenfurt/AT

K Hausegger COI.jpg
JPG Image 781.1 KB

Guest Speaker

John Carpenter,

J Carpenter COI.jpg
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AJIR Editor-in-Chief Mohammad Arabi, Riyadh/SA

M Arabi COI.jpg
JPG Image 795.1 KB

CVIR Section Editor for Embolisation, Tiago Bilhim, Lisbon/PT

T Bilhim COI.jpg
JPG Image 937.6 KB

CVIR Regional Editor, Refaat Salman, Riyadh/SA

R Salman COI.jpg
JPG Image 803.9 KB

CME Credits

The Scientific Writing Workshop has been accredited by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing
Medical Education (EACCME®) with 7 European CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist
should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in the educational activity.

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American
Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA
Category 1 CreditsTM. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be
found at

Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for
ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the
Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.

Scientific Writing Workshop - NICE 2022

Workshop Overview

This workshop is the first in-person scientific writing workshop offered by CIRSE that will offer up to 9 CME credits to participants. We have gathered some of the most distinguished IRs in the field with extensive editorial experience as well as seasoned workshop leader Dr. John Carpenter to guide you in this hands-on, practical workshop.


The workshop took place in advance of ET 2022, CIRSE's dedicated annual conference on embolotherapy. More details on ET 2022 can be found here.


Target Group

The workshop is especially constructive for IRs earlier in their careers although there are valuable takeaways for researchers of all levels, especially those looking to publish more articles in esteemed journals

photo gallery

Workshop Programme

Speaker Information

CVIR and CVIR Endovascular Speakers

CVIR Editor-in-Chief Klaus Hausegger, Klagenfurt/AT

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CVIR Section Editor for Embolisation, Tiago Bilhim, Lisbon/PT

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CVIR Endovascular Editor-in-Chief Jim Reekers, Amsterdam/NL

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CVIR Regional Editor, Refaat Salman, Riyadh/SA

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CVIR Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Raman Uberoi, Oxford/GB

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CVIR Section Editor for Non-Vascular and current Standards of Practice chair, Laura Crocetti, Pisa/IT

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Guest Speaker: Dr. John Carpenter

Dr. John Carpenter was formerly a Lecturer in Pharmacology at the University of Manchester, and now has some 30 years’ experience as a Medical Writer and Trainer. He is a member of the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA), and was a contributor to the EMWA guidelines for peer-reviewed medical papers. He contributes regularly to EMWA training workshops.

He will be joined by renowned faculty from CVIR and CVIR Endovascular, who will give presentations on topics ranging from reporting guidelines to how to not irritate your peer-reviewers (and editors!).

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Get hands-on guidance from Dr. Carpenter as well as both CVIR and CVIR Endovascular Editors-in-Chief and CVIR Editors in this practical workshop.


Topics to be covered include:

  • international reporting guidelines
  • structuring your paper
  • effective scientific writing in English
  • input from Editors-in-Chief and CVIR Editors who handle papers every day


This unique workshop will be limited to 30 participants to better enable discussion and to facilitate a hands-on experience.


Therefore, we request that those interested in joining upload a short motivation letter (250 words) using this link. Applicants will be asked to register for or sign into their myCIRSE accounts whether or not they are CIRSE members.


This letter should include any research experience, current level of IR training, and what applicants are looking to gain from this workshop.


The first 15 CIRSE members to register will get free admission to this workshop, so be sure to apply as soon as possible!


The cost for the workshop (for CIRSE and non-CIRSE members):

  • Early Bird Fee 80€
    (register by May 15)
  • Normal Fee 150€
    (register by June 10)
  • Late Registration Fee 220€
    (registration between June 11-19)

CME Accreditation

The CVIR Scientific Writing Workshop, Nice, France, 20/06/2022-21/06/2022 has been accredited
by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME®) with 9 European
CME credits (ECMEC®s). Each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she
actually spent in the educational activity.


Further information for residents of the US and Canada:

Through an agreement between the Union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American
Medical Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA
Category 1 Credits™. Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be
found at


Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for
ECMEC®s are deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (Section 1) as defined by the
Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada.